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Ways to Give


To make an easy and secure donation using a credit or debit card, please visit our Venmo or Paypal pages below. 


Cash gifts can be mailed as a one-time contribution or over the course of several months. Checks can be sent to 1002 Udell St., Indianapolis, IN 46208.

In-Kind Donation

Please email us if interested in making a non-monetary donation that would support our programming or the furnishing and construction of the firehouse.

Future Projects

Bloom + Brew Community Marketplace

Bloom + Brew Community Marketplace is designed to bring people together around the community. It will be a retail incubator and another place where neighbors can connect, replacing an under-utilized vacant lot at the corner of Rader and Udell Streets, with a fresh new neighborhood food asset, shared by all. Additionally, once created, it will be a fresh marketplace that will sell the creations made from RyZe Kitchen at Aspire House using produce grown from community gardens. The space will also house additional wellness classes and more. Funding from the campaign will be used to build the new structure, which will be located next to Aspire Higher Foundation’s Art Therapy studio. Donate now to help raise $50K for matching grant through Patronicity.

Restore the Steeple

This 20-foot steeple was donated to Aspire House by the Biancofiori Masonry. We plan to refurbish it and mount it in place of the tower that was missing from the firehouse when we purchased the building. 

The steeple was built around 1894, which was three years before our beloved firehouse was erected in 1897. This steeple once sat above a Lutheran church in Mulberry, Indiana – 48 miles north of Indianapolis. Musician, singer, and songwriter, Sheryl Crow considered purchasing this steeple for her home’s chapel. We are happy to own this piece of Indiana history.

To restore the steeple, we need funds to rebuild its base, repair its shingles, and shore up its frame so the base of the steeple can be attached to the tower. We also need a structural engineer to instruct us on how to securely anchor the steeple.

The Preceptors Enclave at the Aspire House Village

We have plans to continue serving our Near Northwest Neighborhood through new programs and initiatives. If you would like to learn more about our vision, please contact us.